Video Project Discovery

Organization Name
Contact Name
Please summarize your project.

Production/Event Title

What is your budget for the project?
What is the shooting date(s) of your project?
What is the proposed finish date of your project?
What is the nature of the project?
Location - Where will footage be captured? Are there multiple locations?
How long do you estimate to need a videographer on site?
Will you supply the subject (talent) or do you need special talent, actors or extras for the project? yes no not sure
If yes - do you need us to take care of a casting call and selection? yes no not applicable
Will you provide a script? yes no
Do you need assistance with general script writing? yes no
What is the length of the finished product?


Do you wish to conserve budget dollars with a simple production? (existing lighting, in-house talent, keep is simple but professional) yes no
OR Do you require advanced production setup? (for example director, cast, supplemental lighting, light director, costume designer, set designer, grips, etc.) yes no
Will you need multiple cameras (two/three angle setup) yes no


Will you be providing images or graphics to be inserted into the final production? yes no
Do you need to assistance in searching, selecting and acquiring photos, graphics or other licensed media assets? yes no
Are any motion graphics, CGI or animation needed? yes no
Do you have a storyboard prepared? yes no
Will need assistance with creating a storyboard? yes no
Does this project require editing of existing video? yes no


How will your final product be distributed?


What type of promotion and marketing will you need?
Do you need assistance with web design/development or marketing? yes no