September 2012
Strategies For Success:
Collecting Data About and From Customers Smart entrepreneurs follow a road-map to definable goals based on data and logical expectations. But where do we get data about what customers want or need? I’ll cover some of the simpler methods of lighting the path to your success! read more!
Branding Tone and Voice The core of a relationship to customers, clients, readers and audiences is always based on the way that we speak to them. It can’t be stated enough; creating an environment of trust and loyalty is based on the way you speak to your audience. Is your business creating a unique voice that your customers can identify with? read more!
What Exactly Is Content Strategy? In online marketing circles, and increasingly of interest to content creators, and search engines, the term “content strategy” has exploded. But does it even mean? Our short article will explain the new and emerging way of bringing innovation to your business? read more!
Alternatives to Blogging Blogging is one of the best ways to understand a company's brand and philosophy. But is it the only way for your company to get it's message out? And is it always the right fit for your business? We've got some fantastic alternatives to get you started communicating in new and innovated ways! Read More.
Building Brand Loyalty and Trust Interested in creating loyal and trusting customers, clients or site visitors that feel confident about spreading the word on your business? In this brief article we'll get you started on the basics of establishing strong relationships with your customer, clients or site visitors. Read More.
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