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Best Practices: Embedding Flash

What is the best way to embed a flash movie into your website? When it comes to this question there is much debate. In recent years there have been a couple methods that have been very popular. The most popular method is taken straight from the code generated by Adobe. When you publish a flash movie you are given the option to publish the html that you can then paste directly in your site. This code has been written to allow the flash movie to work seamlessly with all major browsers. Basically w.... read more

Posted in opinion, technology, web design | Post Comment

Need a logo? That will be one billion dollars please.

Need a logo? That will be one billion dollars please.
"How much does a logo cost?" That's a question we hear a lot. Of course, the answer varies according to budget and design needs. But what if you are the US Government? How much would you pay for a logo? I recently saw a press conference where President Obama was introducing two new inituatives to "save the country". The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation's TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery). Obama went on about how .... read more

Posted in Graphic Design, Miscellaneous, news, opinion, politics | Post Comment

New Canonical Link Tag - Duplicate Content

Google, Yahoo! and MSN have come to a consensus on a new tag that can steer the engines straight on duplicate content. The new tag is the <link> tag. It tells search engines which URL is the correct one to index. Similar to meta data tags - the link tag goes in the <head> section of the page. Here is an example: <link rel="canonical" href="" /> You can see more details on the canonical link tag here. . read more

Posted in html, tutorials, web design | Post Comment | 2

Alumni Website Design and Software

Version 2.3 of our Alumni Web Software has just been launched. We've been developing new features such as a custom forum for alumni organizations and an alumni reunion organizer. In the near future we'll also have the ability for alumni reunion organizers to email their class notifying of upcoming reunions. There may be a small fee to offset bandwidth costs. The greatest part is that the alumni software is a hosted solution starting at only $99/mo. Check out our alumni web design portal for more.... read more

Posted in html, web design | Post Comment Merges with Mount Evans Designs recently finalized a merger acquisition with Denver Colorado Website Design firm Mount Evans Designs. Viki Nygaard, the previous founder had been looking for an opportunity to expand her regional presence in the Rockies and Luna seemed the perfect fit. Both companies will continue their normal operations, but with a new strategy to provide web services focused by local. For instance, copy writing and online marketing expertise will be mainly out of our Denver office, while web progr.... read more

Posted in domains, internet, news, web design | Post Comment

Cross browser work around for min and max height

Wouldn't it be great if all the capabilities of css were supported thoroughly across all modern web browsers? YES! it would be but unfortunately we live in a world where that cannot happen, call it politics, lazyness or outright stubbornness but it is a sad truth that we still have to code browser hacks or work arounds in order to get the desired effects acrosse all web browsers. Min-height/max-height is one of these things that some browsers support and others do not. If you have a website that.... read more

Posted in Graphic Design, html | Post Comment

Wireframes - Functionality NOT Layout

So...what do you want the site to do again? Design is the SECOND more important element to any website. The first is the objective. There are usually two. A wireframe should cover the functionality which should exist. Tools handy for doing this are Microsoft Visio (for Microsoft users) and Freemind for the Open Source inclined. Whatever you choose to use, do your designer a favor and be explict in the primary and secondary objectives of the site. Don't try and design unless you're a designer. . read more

Posted in web design | Post Comment

Most Influential Film Title

Amongst many design circles Saul Bass is considered a role model. His work in film and on paper have become design classics. One of the most influential works would have to be the opening sequence of the Hitchcock film "North by Northwest. The use of line and movement is unprecedented. You can see many of the techniques used in this title in some of today's films. My favorite part is the movement of the credits with the rush of the pedestrians. . read more

Posted in Graphic Design, technology | Post Comment

Drupal or Joomla

A question from a concerned developer recently came in: "I am looking for some professional advice on two different Content Management Systems. I am curious to know which of the following is a better content management system, Drupal 6.4 or Joomla 1.5? I want to know if you all have had any experience with any of these free tools and wondered what is easier to work with. For someone who is going to want a website designed their way and not an "out-of-the-box" look, which tool is easier to config.... read more

Posted in CMS, internet, technology, web design | Post Comment

2007-2008 Browser, Search Engines, Operating Systems Web Market Share

I subscribe to's SEO Review. If you don't already have a high quality newsletter subscription, that adds tremendous value to your SEO research, I suggest you enroll (that is if Jerry is taking on any more subscribers). I won't just paste the entire review...wouldn't be cool, but I'll share a couple of public numbers that will knock your socks off. The full newsletter includes things to watch for, helpful insights and a slew of other reports very necessary to any SEO firm/exp.... read more

Posted in internet, Online Marketing, SEO, web design | Post Comment

Do you need to know HTML to build a website?

A student recently asked, "Is it necessary to know html to build a website"? To answer you question, YES. Absolutely you need to know html if you're going to be building a "quality" website. Certainly with the way technology is moving in the webspace, you can get away with launching a website with little or no knowledge of html, but when you begin to grow the site and enhance its capabilities, it is almost impossible to customize the site without some knowledge. I've seen some pretty nifty "blo.... read more

Posted in html, internet, web design | Post Comment

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