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Mosida Meats - Local Beef Delivery for Utah

Mosida Meats - Local Beef Delivery for Utah
We recently launched a new website for the Mosida Meats company. The farm in Elberta, Utah started primarily in dairy (milk - mmm good) and is now offering local delivery of their Grass Fed - Corn Finished beef. I was able to take a tour of the farm and do a photo shoot to capture the essence of the operation for the website. Needless to say I was impressed. We're glad to have been able to launch the new mobile friendly / responsive website so it can be seen well on smart phones, tablets and of.... read more

Posted in branding, Design, ecommerce, mobile, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

Don't Forget These Things When Creating an Email Template

Don't Forget These Things When Creating an Email Template
Social media posts, blogging, press releases, newsletters, emails, etc. You all know how important these items are for marketing purposes, but, how often and how to create each of these items is, for some, a daily struggle. Today we want to show you (remind you, really) what you should keep in mind when creating an email template. Emails are a great way to contact your busy clients, and because they're so busy, you want to make these emails as simple and as engaging as possible. 1. Begin by h.... read more

Posted in Design, Online Marketing | Post Comment

5 Tips on Designing Your Mobile Website

5 Tips on Designing Your Mobile Website
It is time that every website goes mobile-friendly, since not all of us may have a computer at home but for sure have a smartphone.  I've seen some websites that have slowly developed their mobile sites, and although they still need some tweaking, the possibility of navigating their site on the palm of your hand is a reality.  Check out these few tips on designing your mobile website: 1. Keep it clean and simple. A lot of websites have chosen to go minimalistic as part of their br.... read more

Posted in android, Design, internet, iphone, mobile, Online Marketing | Post Comment

6 Tips on How to Create a Perfect Logo

6 Tips on How to Create a Perfect Logo
You already know how important it is for a business to have a logo, we've seen how logos create the brand of the business and most importantly, they create the bridge between your customers and your business. Whether you're starting a new business and need a logo, or you're reinventing your current logo, you'll be glad you read the steps below. They'll help you stay organized in the process and motivated to find the right answers:  1. Do your research and see what your competitors are d.... read more

Posted in Design, Online Marketing | Post Comment

The Anatomy of an Infographic

The Anatomy of an Infographic
Infographics are one of the most effective ways to present information and make it go viral. That is possible thanks to our brain; it naturally prefers to see colors and shapes than a monotone black and white paragraph. So whatever you need to communicate, make it in a clear, creative and clutter-free way, you'll be able to teach your reader more because you have already captured their attention with compelling graphics and colors. Keep in mind these tips next time you create an infographic, an.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, Design, Online Marketing | Post Comment

5 Facts on Using Color in Marketing

5 Facts on Using Color in Marketing
Everyone knows marketing is one of the most important tools you need to master when you have your own business. You know you must use your social media sites, your blogs, and your website in certain ways so you get leads and connect with them, and stay popular within your circle and you also stay updated with what's going on with your competitors. Now, using social media and advertising is one thing, knowing how to use it, is another.  I'm not going to teach you all about social media and.... read more

Posted in Design, Miscellaneous, Online Marketing, opinion | Post Comment

Trending: Abstract Homepages

Trending: Abstract Homepages
When it comes to making a statement, the main image is probably what first comes to mind. Depending on the website, you'll also expect a certain type of image. A vacationing website? Paradise. A construction website? some awesome building. Clothing store? Colorful jeans folded neatly on a table. What about... a powerful, abstract image instead? A lot of websites have made the (temporal) move to have one of those amazing abstract backgrounds, a while ago it was a video, and before that, a very e.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, Design, Online Marketing, technology | Post Comment

Social Media Image Dimensions

Social Media Image Dimensions
Like everyone else, we're sure you've had to re-do at least one graphic for your social media. Was that your Facebook cover? Or your YouTube channel art? The dimensions are different depending on the platform, so the same image you uploaded on Google+ won't look the same if you add it to your Twitter header. Well, for all of you who are still struggling with these measurements, here's a very simple cheat sheet!  1. Facebook cover: 851px x 315px 2. Facebook event cover: 784px x 295p.... read more

Posted in Design, Facebook, Google, Online Marketing, Social Networking | Post Comment

Canva: Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software

Canva: Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software
Have you heard of Canva before?  Canva is a website that works online, you don't need to download or buy the product in order to use it. In just a few words, Canva has a drag-and-drop feature that includes millions of images (stock photos, vector images, icons, shapes, etc.), photo filters and other photo editing tools, many different fonts, and professional layouts to design beautiful and compelling graphics of any kind. You can design presentations, social media graphics, layouts, email.... read more

Posted in Design, opinion | Post Comment

How Do I Know If I Need a New Website?

How Do I Know If I Need a New Website?
We've compiled a list of five quick checks you can do to help you answer the question, "how do I know if I need a new website?"  If your website fails all five, then you almost definitely need a re-design; but if you only have one or two then starting from scratch may not be necessary. Can you edit the content of your website? Or, does someone else still need to do that for you?  Editing a website shouldn't be any more difficult than editing a Microsoft Word document; and, if it is,.... read more

Posted in CMS, Design, Google, mobile, Professional Web Design, SEO, web design, web projects | Post Comment

Custom Website Project: What Does "Custom Website" Mean?

Custom Website Project: What Does "Custom Website" Mean?
A Custom Website isn't what it used to be.  There was a day when a client would ask for a custom website, and they would get a brand new, professionally unique, design that encompassed the brand of the organization.  That original graphic design would be coded from scratch, hosting was set up, and, POOF, a new work of art was released to the world wide web.  That service has not gone away, but several corporations have popped up who are all pawning off modified website templates a.... read more

Posted in Design, organization, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

Luna Featured Client: Tilt My Blinds

Luna Featured Client: Tilt My Blinds
Remember that time you were sitting on your couch watching your favorite television program, and then the sun turned a corner and a glare the size of Montana started live streaming through your eyes?  You really wanted to turn down the blinds, but you had just sat down with a huge bowl of popcorn.  What to do? One of our newest clients, Tilt My Blinds, has developed a product/software combination that now allows you to automate your blinds throughout your house, and all you need is an.... read more

Posted in Design, Inventions, motion graphics, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

Hey Girl (or Guy), What's Your Name?

Hey Girl (or Guy), What's Your Name?
Steve Jobs wasn’t a fan of overt, ‘branding’ and ‘marketing’. ‘Dirty’ is how he described the two words, preferring instead to focus on educating his audience, providing them with value. Some will argue it’s semantics at best —and it is, at least on some level. Regardless, it’s a rather ironic twist of fate that in the end, Jobs and the icon company he lead and co-founded have come to be known, respectively, as being some of the great marketing geniuses of our time.  There’s no doubt that .... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, branding, Copy Writing, Design, Inventions, iphone, Online Marketing, opinion, technology | Post Comment

What Are the Components that Make Up A Website?

What Are the Components that Make Up A Website?
A website is like a puzzle; many components need to come together to make the perfect picture. When you hear the words, domain, hosting, code and more being hurtled at you at 100 mph, it’s no wonder many feel that developing a web presence is overwhelming.  Let’s take a peek at the components that make up a website and the services available to create one. Domain A domain is the unique name for your website (i.e. Type it in to the address bar and visitors will be able.... read more

Posted in branding, Design, domains, hosting, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

New Websites: A Valuable Investment

New Websites: A Valuable Investment
The biggest problem with building a new website is usually trusting that, after you spend a few thousand dollars of your hard earned cash, you will receive a product that will inevitably earn that money back. A website is not tangible.  You can’t pick it up with your hands.  And, unlike a new big screen TV, you can’t simply turn it on for the best results when you get home.   This makes buying a website a scary investment, and for good reason. We hear stories from many peo.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, CMS, Design, PR Public Relations, Professional Web Design, web projects | Post Comment

Free Websites for Small Business: You Get What You Pay For

Free Websites for Small Business: You Get What You Pay For
Free Websites for Small Business: You Get What You Pay For These days, every business knows that they need a website.  At the very least, it serves as a digital business card to advertise on your actual business card, or to use as a tool in your advertising campaigns. Most small to medium sized businesses, agencies, organizations, and committees will need to decide whether to use a free website builder, learn to build it themselves, or to hire a professional development company, in order .... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, CMS, Design, ecommerce, Graphic Design, outsourcing, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

7 Tips for great logo designs

7 Tips for great logo designs
Simple and powerful logo will be better than anything for your brand. Here are some tips to create great logo designs.   1. Make sure the logo looks good in black and white. Color give lots of things to tell for your company, but the logo itself has to be recognizable without any color. 2. Not all the logo need 'mark.' People usually think logo is a combination of a symbol mark and a logotype, but only the logotype can be the logo. For example, the logo for Samsung has logotype on the .... read more

Posted in Graphic Design | Post Comment

Design Trends in 2014

Design Trends in 2014
Design trends in 2014 A new year is here, and with it, new design styles and trends to help you keep your website looking up to date, modern and fresh! This year the buzzword you need to be familiar with is FLAT. Over the past year here at LunaWebs we have been viewing our website traffic analytics carefully, and what we have seen is the incredible growth of mobile browser traffic coming to our websites. With a smart phone in everyones pocket or purse, it has become more and more common for pe.... read more

Posted in Design, web design | Post Comment

Budgeting for SEO: 3 Secrets (Most) SEO Companies Won’t Tell You

Budgeting for SEO: 3 Secrets (Most) SEO Companies Won’t Tell You
‘Humbling’ isn’t often a word you hear people associate with marketing, yet having worked in online marketing for the past few years has proved to be an extremely humbling experience. In the minds of many, SEO (aka Search Engine Optimization) is believed to be an exact science. Reality paints a picture showing SEO as being as much a science as meteorology. In other words, it’s predictable to a certain extent; however, there will always be those instances in which you find yourself caught in a d.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, blogs, branding, Content Writing, Design, Graphic Design, Online Marketing, Productivity, Professional Web Design, SEO, Utah Search Engine Optimization, web design | Post Comment

Mobile Savvy: 5 Key Points Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore

Mobile Savvy: 5 Key Points Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore
Can I tell you a secret? I know you may feel (at least occasionally) that mobile devices have ruined your life (just a little bit.) I know sometimes you really, really wish the fad would just die already. I don't relish being the bearer of bad news, but the truth is, that shiny, overpriced, white thing that appears to be super-glued to the body of every teenager and the majority of adults under 50, isn't going away. Hard as it may be for some to hear, small business to medium-sized businesses n.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, apps, Design, Facebook, Facebook, internet, iphone, mobile, Online Marketing, SEO, social media, Social Networking, technology, Utah Search Engine Optimization, video | Post Comment

Maximum Exposure: when is the best time to post to Facebook?

Maximum Exposure: when is the best time to post to Facebook?
Despite a number of experts offering advice to the contrary, there simply is not a one size fits all solution when it comes to the best day and/or time to engage with your FaceBook followers. So, are there any words of wisdom can I impart? Of course there are… I mean, this would be an extremely short (not to mention pointless!) sentence otherwise, right? So, how do you determine what’s best for your business? Well, let’s start with this… Forget knowing your audience —you must understand them. .... read more

Posted in apps, branding, Facebook, Facebook, iphone, mobile, Online Marketing, organization, Productivity, SEO, social media, Social Networking | Post Comment

Want to spice up the way your image displays in your web page?

Want to spice up the way your image displays in your web page?
Within your page editor, you may have inserted the image you love, but would like to spice up the way it looks in your page.  Maybe your header image looks like this: It is possible that the web design LunaWebs provided you with contains classes that are available for your use! To activate a class, click the "Insert/Edit Image" icon in your toolbar: You will then see a window full of functionality that allows you to customize the display of your image.  Head over to the "Appeara.... read more

Posted in CMS, tutorials, web design | Post Comment

Too Busy to Blog? Not With These Time Saving Tips!

Too Busy to Blog? Not With These Time Saving Tips!
Unless you have the means to employ a staff of full-time content writers, chances are your business blog suffers from a lack of consistency. Don’t fret. Our list of time saving tips are designed to increase your writing efficiency and productivity without added stress. Stuff the storage room with ideas. While we don’t recommend post-its all over the walls, you do need a single place where you can quickly jot down ideas. Carry a small notebook and a pen. Make a voice memo using your smart.... read more

Posted in blogs, branding, Calendar, Content Writing, Copy Writing, organization, Productivity, SEO, social media, Social Networking | Post Comment

Simple Tips to Aid In Attracting (and Converting) Mobile Consumers

Simple Tips to Aid In Attracting (and Converting) Mobile Consumers
With the explosion in the mobile market, the number of shoppers who opt for mobile devices to serve their shopping needs is only going up. Virtual market places such as Etsy report they are seeing as much as 45% of their site traffic arriving via mobile phones and tablets. Is your website or mobile device application ready for the future of the online consumer market? Check out our super star strategies for attracting and converting mobile shoppers. 1. (Mobile) Shop 'Til You Drop. Don’t wor.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, apps, Design, ecommerce, iphone, mobile, Online Marketing | Post Comment

Build your Website like a BMW: Professional Websites and Luxury Vehicles

Build your Website like a BMW: Professional Websites and Luxury Vehicles
  Build your Website like a BMW: Professional Websites and Luxury Vehicles BMW’s are considered the Ultimate Driving Machine. Why is a BMW the Ultimate Driving Machine? They build custom car parts that are beautifully crafted to work together. BMW builds their engines, they build their on-board computer system, they build their driveshaft, they build their frame, they build their safety system and it all works together.  The only items that are not built by BMW are the wheels and the.... read more

Posted in blogs, CMS, Content Writing, Design, Facebook, Professional Web Design, SEO, social media, Utah Search Engine Optimization, web design | Post Comment

Building Websites, Brick by Brick

Building Websites, Brick by Brick
I recently visited the Kimball Art Museum in Park City, Utah while they were exhibiting the most amazing pieces of art I've seen in a while. Nathan Sawaya creates sculpture pieces entirely out of Legos. His creations aren't anything like the ramshackle houses I built growing up. They are incredible displays of ingenuity and innovation. So why didn't my Lego battleship ever look that good? We were using the same pieces! It's because Sawaya is a professional lego artist and I was a kid trying to b.... read more

Posted in Design, web projects | Post Comment

A Website Without a Logo - A Very Bad Idea

A Website Without a Logo - A Very Bad Idea
A Website Without a Logo Ideally before you build a website, your logo/brand should be designed first.  Then all other designs should compliment the brand/logo you've just established. Here's a few logo tips to consider before jumping in and building your website. Have a Cohesive Brand.  If you have a logo and a brand style - your website will look more cohesive and established.  You want your logo to look professional, and to fit the overall feel of your site. Think abou.... read more

Posted in branding, Design, Graphic Design, Professional Web Design, web design, web projects | Post Comment

Use a font instead of images

Use a font instead of images
When building a website that uses icons you have a couple icons. You can save the icons as an image ( either one image per icon or a css sprite with all icons ) or you can create a font that has the vector for that image. The image has the benefit of being able to use multiple colors within the icon. However if you use the PNG format for your image then the icon will not scale or shrink gracefully. You could use an SVG format, however even with the modern advancements not everyone is using a SV.... read more

Posted in Design, web design | Post Comment

Spring Cleaning: 4 Simple Steps for a Clutter-Free Website

Spring Cleaning: 4 Simple Steps for a Clutter-Free Website
What's the one thing we all know about, have, and most likely use until our secret is out? A junk drawer. Sure, it holds plenty of necessary information, but if you have to sort through a mess every time you want to find it, eventually, most of us give up. The content of your website is no exception. If you want users to take in more or your content, you’re going to need a way to clean up the information. That’s where info-graphics come in. They’re the IKEA organizer of content. Spring clean.... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, Content Writing, Design, Graphic Design, Online Marketing, organization, web design | Post Comment

Great Idea: Adobe Makes Popular Touch App Available for FREE (And It Kinda Rocks!)

Great Idea: Adobe Makes Popular Touch App Available for FREE (And It Kinda Rocks!)
Adobe Ideas, is a professional vector drawing Touch App for iOS. Following a sweet update, Illustrator's tablet-based app companion has been made available for FREE, courtesy of Adobe, for iPhone and iPad users. Sure, the former $10 price tag is essentially next to nothing in the world of Adobe software, but who doesn't love free stuff? So, what features can you expect in the latest version? Toolbar customization, allowing you to add your 'I-Can't-Live-Without-Them' brushes Capabilities to .... read more

Posted in apps, Design, Graphic Design, iphone, mobile | Post Comment

3 Reasons A 'FREE' Website Is Bad For Business

3 Reasons A 'FREE' Website Is Bad For Business
'Nothing in life is free,' my mum has advised me from a young age. As a business woman, I've come to see and realize firsthand, just how true that is. A free website is no exception. If you are considering a free or extremely low cost website, don't proceed unless you've educated yourself about the potential repercussions. Here are three strong reasons a 'FREE' website is very bad business for business... 1. A 'free' website is a horrible marketing tool.   You get the product for which yo.... read more

Posted in branding, Design, Online Marketing, web design | Post Comment

Exposed: An Insider's Guide to Twitter's Dirty Little Secrets

Exposed: An Insider's Guide to Twitter's Dirty Little Secrets
High social media engagement is one of the greatest public assets to any business or brand. As with any other valuable commodity, the passion (or all out war) of being #1 can be and often is a dirty game. Spam Wars There's the one that comes in a can, put there by a guy, in a factory in well... I'm not totally sure. The other is... shockingly similar to mass-produced 'meat'. Unlike the oh-so-popular spam e-mails or ads encouraging us to 'click to buy cheap pharmaceuticals', social media spam .... read more

Posted in Advertising/Marketing, blogs, branding, Online Marketing, PR Public Relations, SEO, social media, Social Networking | Post Comment

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