
SSL Cert Install

Price $350.00 +Add to wishlist

Product Details

We will purchase a 256-bit encrypted certificate and install it on your web server. This certificate will allow data to be processed via web forms with encryption to ensure your client data is kept secure and private.

Assign a dedicated IP Address
SSL Certificates require that a website have a dedicated ip address in order to use encryption. We will configure the website with a dedicated IP address. IP Addresses have an additional charge based on your hosting provider.
Generate a CSR ( certificate signing request ) for the domain
Purchase and qcquire authoritative SSL certificate.
SSL certificate must be approved by the certificate authority. The certificate authority has a validation process by which they insure the owner of the domain is the person requesting the certificate.
Submit the CSR to the certificate authority
Retrieve the certificate file and bundle file once the CSR is approved
Install certificate on Server and configure.
Install the certificate file
Install the certificate bundle file
Configure the private key on the domain
Setup the dedicated IP address for the website
Configure the server/website for SSL using the certificate file and dedicated IP
Test certificate at https: path and ensure no out of ordinary pop ups.
Check the expiration date and validity of the certificate on the live domain

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