July, 2010
Case Study:

NJ Kids’ Online is an online portal to kids’ resources. The site has an extensive directory for kids programs and activities throughout New Jersey. The organization approached LunaWebs.com looking to update their existing site and make it cleaner, faster, and easier to use... The Luna Solution
Fresh Site:
Mentors International
Mentors International provides microloans to people of impoverished nations to help them build a business and become self-reliant. LunaWebs created a professional and visually intersting site that provides information about their work. View Site.
Low Cost Web Design Solution
by Jill Welch
Lunawebs.com has launched their new pre-designed website solution. This provides a low cost alternative to custom design, in fact most customized layouts only require a small investment - starting around $1500. LunaWebs understands that new and small businesses often do not have the budget allocated for custom design work, and so has introduced a line of pre-designed layouts suitable for any business...
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10 Easy Ways To Amazing Client Testimonials
by Marie Eborn
Client testimonials are an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to increasing revenue and conversion and they definitely aren’t something any good business (or business website) can afford to be without. Unfortunately many people ignore this fundamental aspect of the marketing simply because they don’t know how to get testimonials from their clients or because the ones that they do have aren’t of very good quality...
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