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June 2012

Strategies For Success:

Creating Effective Marketing Campaigns for Niche Audiences
Often when creating a business model we assume that appealing to the largest audience possible equals the maximum amount of profits. But the truth is that there is a lot to be said about specializing in a particular section of a larger field.

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Company Branding: Why the Little Extras Are Important
While a website is a given, investing in logo design services, official company style guide, and company presentation kits should be a priority. Not only will this allow you to showcase your company and services, these seemingly small details can often be the difference between gaining a new client or losing a lead. read more!

Building Better Customer Experiences Through Social Media
All of the power of social media comes from memorable experiences. The goal is to remind customers, clients and users that they’ve had positive experiences with you. This means caring about customer service and client relations. read more!

Secrets to Online Success 

Regardless of your goals, definitions or metrics of success, these amazing tips act a solid foundation to build a business, brand or marketing campaign around.

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Creating User Profiles for Business Success   

How well do you know your customers? It’s an important question to ask because it’s a crucial first step before we start figuring out how to market, advertise, or engage with them. ? 

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