January 2012
Industry News:
QR Codes: Fast Low-Cost Marketing You’ve seen them in grocery stores, on movie posters, on packages you’ve received in the mail. Those tiny squares of black and white digital hieroglyphics are everywhere. They’re called QR Codes and they’re changing the way that businesses and organizations market and track the success of their products. Read More. The Future Is In Your Pocket There are more people who own smartphones today than there were a year ago. This increase in customer adoption of technology means that users want a persistent connection to the web. Read More.
Does your business need an App? You can’t go far without hearing the word “App”. Apple’s introduction of it’s App Store changed the landscape of mobile computing and opened the door to what consumers want their smart phones to do: everything.... Read More.
Getting Started with Twitter Sharing changes to your site, posting upcoming events and letting people know about company changes are all great ways to start using Twitter. But if you’re already sharing that information in your email campaigns or on your Facebook page, then it might look a little spam-y to your followers. Read More.
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