What You Should Know About Choosing a Utah SEO Company

Utah is a competitive place for search engine optimization. There are many companies vying for your attention; but there are a lot of things to consider when checking out a Utah SEO company. As a leader in the Utah SEO industry, LUNA adheres strictly to all industry-related guidelines, specifically white hat SEO and client transparency. The LUNA SEO marketing strategies are based off of experience in the field - never guesswork or speculation. If you're considering a Utah SEO company, make sure they measure up to these standards - LUNA does.

Choose a Utah SEO Firm With Transparent Marketing Strategies

At LUNA, our Utah SEO marketing strategies are based off of reliable methods, ensuring that achieved rankings are a result of our SEO efforts. The marketing strategy of a SEO company should be transparent; it should allow clients to know what work is being done on the account, when, and why. For every Utah SEO client, we send weekly updates of analytics and reporting for all work, our prospective future marketing strategy (by monthly increments), and overall goals with keyword ranking. LUNA operates under a transparent marketing strategy for all clients, no matter how large or small.

A Professional Utah SEO Firm Will Show Success From Past and Current Clients

The best way to gauge a Utah SEO firm is to look at their current and past client base. Did they achieve rankings? At LUNA, we've seen success with each and every one of our clients. A true SEO firm will enthusiastically show you the success of current and past clients. If a company shies away from this, or doesn't have any current clients, then use your intuition. Ultimately, the rankings will tell the truth. Check out a Utah SEO firm's current client base before making any decisions.

Select a SEO Company With Knowledge in Search Engines and Algorithms

If you interview a Utah SEO company, and they give you a blank look when you ask about recent changes to search engine algorithms, then it might be time to re-track and find a different firm. At LUNA, we're aware of recent changes made to algorithms; knowing about current changes gives our team valuable insight into the current rankings that we track. LUNA has built a daily keyword tracker for every site we rank, which allows our Utah SEO team to meticulously track a site's keyword ranking. If a site moves at all throughout the day, LUNA knows about it and why it happened. Contact our Utah SEO team today for an overview of our marketing techniques and SEO tactics.