NJ Kids' Online- Custom Programming Directory

Case Study.

Project Challenge

NJ Kids’ Online is an online portal to kids’ resources. The site has an extensive directory for kids programs and activities throughout New Jersey. The organization approached LunaWebs.com looking to update their existing site and make it cleaner, faster, and easier to use. The new site would retain the functionality of the old site and build upon the features to make them more user friendly and interactive.

the luna solution

The LunaWebs.com team used their innovation and talent to create a dynamic site that provided administrators with easily maintained and updated pages, and users with a fun and easily navigated website. The design was created with children in mind and has a fun airy feel about it. Since the site’s purpose is children the images and colors used were meant to recall childhood toys and illustrations while still looking clean and professional.

The features used on the NJ Kids Online site is all custom built by LunaWebs. We used social media and custom programming to create a directory that is easily searchable and navigated. The directory allows listings to be basic or premium. A basic listing provides only the essential information, while a premium listing lets users provide descriptions, detailed contact information, and their logo to enhance their listing. The premium listings also let users rate and comment on businesses, pulling in the social networking element.

The custom calendar lets the NJ Kids Online team keep track of children’s events that are going on around the state. The calendar can be easily searched and sorted by user preference. The calendar dynamically displays the nearest upcoming events on the home page with the option to drill in to find out more information. Both the calendar and the directory allow users to submit their own entries so the site can be updated by the community and always growing.

custom web deisgn

NJ Kids' Online Main Page

advanced web development

Directory Main Page with Categories

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